As a result of wear and tear, overuse or possibly an accident, some of the muscles deep in your shoulder (called the rotator cuff) have torn. This means it is much harder to raise your arm.
Usually arthroscopic cuff repair is necessary.
If the cuff tear is retracted too much and not operable deltoid rehab exercises will help to regain shoulder.
Deltoid muscle may be retrained to do some of the work of the torn rotator cuff muscle. Retraining however, can toke a long time and needs a lot of repetition to make it automatic. As a result the following exercises need to be done three to five times o day. The program con toke up to 12weeks to progress through all the stages. For most people it should result in less pain and improved movement and function in your shoulder.
Lift the bod arm too vertical position.In the early daysyou may need to bend the elbow and maybe use your other arm to help. Then hold the bod arm in thevertical position with its own strength foras long as you ore able while also keeping the elbow straight. Bring the bod arm bock down to your side with the help of the other arm. As your arm gets stronger, you will be able to lift and lower it to your side without help.When this becomes easy, move to next step.
With your arm raised and theelbow straight, start lo move your arm forwards and backwards. Try to keep the arm moving in a slow,smooth,straight line and keep it lined up with the side of your body. As your control and confidence improves begin lo increase the amount of movement until the arm con move from the side of your body to touching the bed above your head and bock again.
Tie a big knot at one end,loop it over the top of a door and then close the door.Now stand or sit sideways with the bod side closest to the door. Reach as for up the bond as you con with the hand of the bod side.
You can use your good arm to help the bod orm to reach higher or it may help if you initially pull the bond down with the good arm and then hold on to it with the bad orm. The exercise involves pulling the bond down as far as you can and then slowly control the release or upward movement of the band back to the starting position. Repeatthis movement for as long asyou can control it.
Holding o cloth or duster against a smooth bare bit of wall or door.Slide your hand up the wall as far as you can and, ii necessary, push the hand further up the wall with the good arm.Now allow the bad side hand to slide back down the wall but keep the movement slow and controll ed. Repeat this exercise for as long as you can control the movement.