Pain in front (anterior) of the knee when bending (with loading) i.e., getting up from sitting position orwhen going up stairs or coming downstairs.
Who gets the anterior knee pain?
Usually happens in young person.
What is the reason for this pain?
It is due to patella maltracking. It is due to weakness of Medial part of Quads muscle-Vostus Medial is Oblique (VMO).
Why they get pain with stairs?
They get pain in the anterior aspect of the knee while using stairs because of outer aspect of patella will come in contact with thigh bone with bending of knee dueto patella maltracking.
What is the treatment ?
VMO exercises will help.
What needs to be done if pain is not improving?
Consultant might request MRI scan of your knee.
VMO Exercises
Sit up straight on a choir.
Slowly straighten and raise your leg until straight with your foot pointing slightly outwards.